How to Get Clay in Minecraft PS4, Xbox and PC in 2024

How to Get Clay in Minecraft PS4, Xbox and PC in 2024

In the game of Minecraft, there are a few ingredients that are quite important and you’d definitely need them at some point and one of them is clay. Getting some of these materials may prove to be a bit difficult, either locating or crafting them. Meanwhile, here in this article, we will be showing you How to Get Clay in Minecraft.

If you were to name some of the most useful materials in Minecraft, then clay should be topping the list. Blocks making and Terracotta making seems to be the most uses of clay but it doesn’t end there – designs and decorations are part of it.


This is How to Get Clay in Minecraft in 4 Steps

The quickest way to get clay in Minecraft is to mine it with a shovel. Clay is found below lakes and rivers. It has properties similar to dirt in that it is mined quickest with a shovel. Now, even though it appears like a clay block, it needs to be minded to form a hardened block. Below are the steps to Get Clay in Minecraft.

Step 1: Locate Where Clay Is

The first thing is finding where clay is. Meanwhile, clay is not difficult to find. Clay is most commonly found underwater in swamps, beaches, oceans, and at the bottoms of rivers and lakes in shallow, and crystal-shaped disks.
locate Where Clay Is

Step 2: Pick a Shovel to Dig Clay

Like we had briefly mentioned, you will need a shovel to dig and pick up clay. There are a total of six shovels to pick from which include; iron shovel, golden shovel, diamond shovel, Netherite, stone, and wooden shovel. You completely have the freedom to pick whichever.
Pick a Shovel to Dig Clay

Step 3: Dig Clay Location


Now you have to dig up and the control keys depend of which version of Minecraft you are playing. Here we go with controls for different platforms.

  • PS3 and PS4, press and hold the R2 button on the PS controller.
  • Pocket Edition (PE), you tap and hold on the block of clay.
  • Java Edition (PC/Mac), left click and hold on the block of clay.
  • Nintendo Switch, press and hold the ZR button on the controller.
  • Windows 10 Edition, left click and hold on the block of clay.
  • Xbox 360 and Xbox One, press and hold the RT button on the Xbox controller.
  • Wii U, press and hold the ZR button on the gamepad.
  • Education Edition, left click and hold on the block of clay.

Dig Clay Location

Step 4: Quickly Pick Clay

Finally, you need to pick clear quickly before it disappears. And, congratulations you’ve gotten clay.
Quickly Pick Clay

Where to Get Clay | Clay Location in Minecraft

Clay is most commonly found underwater in swamps, beaches, oceans, and at the bottoms of rivers and lakes in shallow, crystal-shaped disks, disregarding adjacency to other types of blocks.
Minecraft Clay generates in mason houses in plains, savanna, and desert villages, and under fisher cottages in taiga villages. Clay generates in large quantities on the floors of lush caves’ ponds. ‌[in 1.18]

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Clay can generate in lush caves in the form of mineral veins. It attempts to generate 15 times per chunk in veins of size 0-160, from elevations 0 to 60. Minecraft clay can replace stone, diorite, andesite, and granite. ‌

Uses of Clay in Minecraft

Like we had earlier mentioned in the second paragraph, clay is one of the most used items in the game. Blocks making and Terracotta making seems to be the most uses of clay but it doesn’t end there – designs and decorations are part of it. When mining clay, just put them all at the bottom left at the crafting inventory slots to get the block back. From there, you can smelt the block to get terracotta, which can be dyed. You can also find out some of the best uses of clay here.


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