How to Make a Toilet in Minecraft That Flushes

How to Make a Toilet in Minecraft That Flushes

The Minecraft video features a modern bathroom that has a sink, a bathtub, and a toilet.  In the course of this article we would be learning to first build a bathroom, and then proceed to how to make a toilet in it. Without further mouthing, we jump into the main thing.


How to Make a Toilet in Minecraft?

Before making a toilet in the game, the player must first of all build a sink and a bathroom. Next thing is to build a toilet and we’ve clearly listed the different steps to get that done in this article.

How to Make a Bathroom in Minecraft

How to make a bathroom in Minecraft
Here are actionable tips that can help a Minecraft player to make a bathroom. After making a bathroom in the game, the next step would be to make some toilets.

  • The first thing that the Minecraft player needs to do is dig out 7*9 blocks from the ground and fill it up with concrete blocks that are light gray in colour.
  • The next step would be to make three walls that would come out from the sides with white concrete blocks.
  • After this, the next step would be to create a bathtub by putting stairs close to the wall.
  • The next thing that the Minecraft player would need to do is to put an end rod on the wall. This would act as the water tap of the bathtub. You can also go to include turtle eggs which would be used as sponges.
  • The next step for the player would be to add a bucket of water which would be used to fill the bathtub with water.
  • After this, the Minecraft player would need to dig the ground so that they can add a loom under it. It is this loom that would be added that would act as a drain.
  • Go on ahead to dig more looms and then put barrels in it.

Although this is optional, the player can add some towels into the bathroom. This would place two item frames on the wall. These two item frames would make the wall look cool. The player can take it to the next level by adding some spruce stairs on it.

How to make a sink in Minecraft

  • The player has to put two smooth quartz blocks and quartz stairs in the center and put water in the middle part.
  • After this is done, place a tripwire hook on the wall and add some item frames on the quartz blocks.
  • The next step for the Minecraft player would be to add an iron trap door on both item frames.
  • Bring out the loom and put some gray banners and dye it with white. Choose the design to produce another new banner in Minecraft.
  • Add the banner in the loom one more and dye it with blue to make it appear new. Go ahead to add it again with a white dye to make a mirror. This would bring a mirror into your inventory.
  • Put the banners open to finish your design of your Minecraft sink.

This is How to Make a Toilet in Minecraft

How to make a bathroom in Minecraft
After building a sink and a bathroom in the steps above, the next big thing for the minecraft player to do is to build a toilet.

  • The minecraft needs to dig out a block on the ground and put an armor stand on it.
  • The next thing would be to add a diamond helmet at the very top of the armor stand.
  • On the top of the helmet, there would be need to add a light gray concrete block on the top of it. Then the player would use a piston made out of a redstone block to push it down.
  • The player would now need to put one smooth quartz stair at the back.
  • You would also need to put a smooth quartz block at the top of the stairs and then finish it with a stone button at its top. The next step would be to add a white banner on the front side of the stairs.
  • The next step would be to start decorating the toilet. You would need to replace the blocks with fluffy carpets and add some dead tube coral fans to it.
  • Put two trap doors that are made out of iron near the toilet with flower pots on them. Lastly, place a red tulip on the top of the pots to make it look like a modern bathroom.

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