USPS Click and Ship Not Working

USPS Click and Ship Not Working 2024 – How to Fix it

One of the most reliable and popular shipping companies in the United States of America is USPS. Although their courier services are super reliable, there are times when their services can be delayed if you encounter a few problems like the one in the subject above. Is your USPS Click and Ship Not Working? If you have tried printing a package label for your customer and encountered problems in the process – this article will show you a possible solution to the dilemma of USPS Click and Ship Not Working on different devices.

How does Click and Ship USPS work?

Click-N-Ship is an all-in-one postage service offered by the United States Postal Service; it allows you to ship packages without ever leaving your business or home office. When you sign up for the program by creating a free account, you can print labels and pay for shipping, compare shipping options and prices, schedule pickup at your location, and more.


First off; For non-US Citizens; Do you have a military address or shipping for a US Territory? If not, you cannot print postage to be mailed outside the US. It has to be that countries postage. If you are mailing it to someone, make sure click-n-ship knows the label is for mailing within the US.

Why is USPS Click and Ship not Working?

The first reason for USPS Click and Ship Not Working error is server downtime. When there are too many people performing the same task at a particular time, you may likely encounter this problem so the advice is to try later. Meanwhile, this can be very frustrating if you wanted to send out the shipment right away.

Sometimes you will encounter this with the CNS is when you try to finalize the shipping label. It says “Processing” then after 1-2 minutes returns you back to the shipping label info. If you click Continue again to pay for the label, “Processing” and may have to repeat this several times.

Possible Solutions to “USPS Click and Ship Not Working” Error


Like we had earlier mentioned, this issue is server related and if you’re a webmaster you can simply understand this better. When there’s much traffic such that the server can’t handle the request poured on it at that particular time then we see the error.

However, there’s no need for much panic as those in charge are equally monitoring the problem. We all understand how frustrating this can be if you were trying to send your package out immediately. Meanwhile, reaching out to the USPS help center is the first thing we’d recommend here.

Try Different Browsers

No recommendations here as to what browser you should be using for this. Meanwhile, we advise that you try out different browsers. Had a conversation with a friend who narrated how he kept trying different browsers until he was able to pay with his credit card and equally print – this happen to be the same time I couldn’t resolve mine.  That’s why we recommend trying out different browsers when you encounter this USPS click n ship error.

Final Thoughts

We all have encountered this problem using the USPS platform and no one can really point out a quick solution. Like we mentioned earlier in this piece, ‘reaching out to their contact page’ could be the best thing to do – while also keeping in mind that the authorities are working to resolve it as soon as possible.

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5 thoughts on “USPS Click and Ship Not Working 2024 – How to Fix it

  1. After logging in & going to vlicknsjip, I get a message saying I sent a package without payment. I have no outstanding packages/debt. The message said to go to csn & login to pay, but that’s exactly where I got the message…

  2. No this is not the issue. This article is WRONG! The click and ship feature changed about 6 months ago where you are only allowed to make 20 labels at a time. I can pay and print the first 20. I ship way more than 20 at a time. When I go to create the new round of labels and go to pay I get an error that say they cannot accept my payment.
    I’ve tried using a different CC, same issue, they take my money and don’t allow me to print. I tried paying with PayPal. Same thing, take my money and does not slow me to print. I even tried their new payment option where you load a card into the software. Guess what? Took my money and no labels, just error messages.
    Is it my browser? No! I’ve logged out, restarted my computer and changed my IP address. Their site is garbage. I’ve emailed customer service over the past 6 days, one email a day. Zero response. I called customer service and the old lady hung up on me.
    Time to boycot USPS.

  3. M Selivanow, I too get this message and it started in December 2021. As of today I can only take my packages to the post office to ship them because on the click and ship I get the message “SORRY YOUR TRANSACTION HAS BEEN DECLINED. yOUR TRANSACTION CANNOT BE PROCESSED AT THIS TIME WITH THIS PAYMENT TYPE. There are 3 choices, cc, paypal and click and pay…….I have tried using all three and get the same message, using different browsers, same message, new account same message. I have emailed USPS 3 times and heard nothing.

  4. The charge from my credit card worked flawless the printing of my label did not !
    Now i cant even log in! I would say the system needs help and was working much better before covid.

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