Satisfactory Coal Generator

Satisfactory Coal Generator Guide – Where To Find And How To Get Satisfactory Coal

This article focuses on a practical guide on where to find coal in the satisfactory game. Before we delve into how to get coal in the game, we need to understand how to get it and why the player needs it. It is important for the satisfactory game player to note that coal is used as a power and production output. Players mostly use this resource to fuel in-game mechanics that is used for smelting, generators, steel production, and generators.

When coal is used in the game to power a generator, it would burn for four seconds. Now that we know what cola is used for in the game, let us delve into how to get it in the satisfactory game.


Where can a satisfactory coal generator be found in the game?

In the game map of satisfactory, there are lots of lakes, and rivers. This is why finding a solitary node in the in-game map can be very difficult.

The reason for this is that the satisfactory coal generator is mostly far apart from the four initial starting points of the game. On top of that, they are heavily guarded by vicious aliens. Sometimes, a coal generator can be hidden in an awkward spot that would take some time to get to. This is why satisfactory players would need ample planning to be able to get to the generator.

How to Get Coal in Satisfactory Game

Getting coal in the satisfactory game is not a big fuss.  There are a few ways that a satisfactory gamer can get coal, and that is what we are set to expound in the course of subsequent paragraphs. There are lots of fun ways to go about it in the game.

One of the first and simple approaches if the gamer to get the coal by hand. Here, the gamer has to use his hand to harvest out the coal in the in-game world. The player would need to approach the Jet black resource, then press E to mine the coal.

Another efficient way to get coal in the satisfactory game is by creating resource nodes. As a miner, you can use this in-game mechanic to extract coal automatically. This way, the player gets to collect all of them once they are all extracted.

In addition, the tamed Lizzard Doggos in the game can also bring the player coal as a present.  With all these coals gotten from the above-mentioned steps, nothing is stopping the player from being a coal production machine in the satisfactory game.

About the coal generator  and where you can find them

There are lots of intriguing sources of power in the satisfactory game. One of them is the coal generator. Although, there are others such as the Biomass generator, the fuel generator, the geothermal generator and, so on.


The coal generator is a rumbling giant that has an amazing smoke-spewing stack. They are a good source of power after they are unlocked in the Tier 3. The coal generator is used to provide an amazing power output with over 75MW generation that can help a player to expand their base quickly. Another interesting thing about the coal generator in the satisfactory game is that it is over-clockable.

The coal generator is not a 100% perfect power generating machine in the game. In this regard, here are the two major downsides of the generator in the game:

  • The coal shuts down whenever the fuel requirements are not met and always requires a lot of water and coal supply.
  • Another downside to the coal generator is that it is difficult to set up in the game.

A quick guide into the satisfactory game

Here is all you need to know about the satisfactory coal generator setup. Like stated earlier, playing the game without good knowledge of the guide can be a daunting experience. The game starts by shooting the player down an alien planet and then expects you to kick-off building a big factory.

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This can be too much to handle for beginners, so here is a tiny-winy guide:

The Hub

The game starts off with a small drop pod that lands the player on a planet of your choosing.  It is important for the gamer to know that any planet that they choose has its own advantages and disadvantages for setting up a factory.

Most time, the grass fields would have more biomass available in it.
The hub is basically the place where the pod of the gamer would drop once you have landed on a planet.


One of the best parts of the satisfactory game is mining. The hub computer in the hub would give the player things known as milestones, which are the materials that you would need to key into the computer.

There is a scanner that can be used to scan for minerals like iron and other minerals in less time.


Once you have collected enough material, the player would need to bring them back to the hub. When you bring back the materials, you would then need to start crafting. The way you get the materials is how you would achieve the milestones. It is important for the gamer to note that the pod is very much equipped with a crafting table that can be put to good use.


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