Finding and Curing the Frozen Leviathan

Frozen Leviathan : Finding and Curing the Frozen Leviathan – Below Zero

Curing the Frozen leviathan can be difficult, that is why most players go out and seek to learn how to go about it. The purpose of this article is to educate reader on how to find and cure leviathan in the game.

The game Below Zero has a concept in the game plot where players are stranded on an alien planet 4546B. Game characters are stranded on a planet that they don’t know anything about.  On the planet, there are a couple of game quests that the player would go through, and one of them is to find the Frozen Leviathan and cure its Kharaa.

First start off by Builiding a Snowfox

The gamer would find it super easy to be able to navigate the snowy land terrain if they make use of a snowfox. The Snow fox in the game is a simple glider that can be used on land.

You would find one fragment in the Marguerites seabase and other two fragments, which is the Hoverpad and the Phi Robotics Landing pad.

To get the Hoverpad Fragment, you would need to enter inside the Phi Robotics center. Also in the Phi Robotics center, you would find the Phi robotic landing pad when you enter and turn to your left.

Sometimes, the fragaments can spawn randomly in nearby rocks, corners and crevices in the game.  If the gamer should look for the fragments at the Marguerites seabase, the player would need just two more for making the snowfox.

The game player would now come across ladders that the game character can use to descend. There are fragments for making snowfox land glider that would be used to cruise the planet.

For a perfect snowfox gilder, you would need a battery, lubricant, two magnetite and titanium. Magnetite can be located in certain biomes but the easiest way to find it is in the large glaciers in the Artic.

How to get the Kharaa Antidote for Curing the Frozen Leviathan

To be able to cure the gigantic frozen leviathan without any prior knowledge of the disease can be a very daunting task.  Although the Below Zero game does not feature an in-game map, the player would need to find the location of the Leviathan that is frozen.

For the gamer to be able to locate the frozen leviathan, they would need to first of all construct a spy pengline and then, a spy pengling remote. The Kharaa Antidote in the game is hidden in a small cave.

How a player can construct a Spy Pengling

To be able to construct a spy pengling, the game would need to put together the following items at a fabricator: 2x Titanium, 1x Silicone Rubber, 11x battery, and a wiring kit.

To be able to construct a spy pengling remote, the gamer would now need to combine the below-listed items in a fabricator:

1x Titanium
1x Copper Wire

Now that everything is complete, here is how to find Kharaa Antidote in the game.

Where the player can find the Kharaa Antidote

The Kharaa antidote for curing the frozen leviathan is located in the basin portion of the Glacial basin. If you are a PC gamer, the following coordinates can be used to locate the Kharaa Antidote for curing the Frozen Leviathan:

  • 1305
  • 6
  • 1141

For a console gamer, it is an entirely different scenario and involves the player going through the entrance of the Phi Robotics center. Then afterward, go down to the icy valley to its west side. Afterward, they would need to reach the snow stalker nest. The cave where the antidote is located is around this area.

A new Kharaa antidote that can be created if the player loses theirs. When they get the antidote, they would be able to unlock its recipe which contains 1x fevered pepper an 1 frost vase plant.

How to Find the Frozen Leviathan Location

To be able to find the place where the frozen leviathan is might sound like a piece of cake, but most of the time, it is not easy.

The Frozen leviathan in the game is not far away from the place where you found the Kharaa Antidote. It can also be located in the glacial basin. You can find the Phi Excavation site which should not be confused with the Phi Robotics center that was mentioned earlier.

The coordinates for the location are:

  • 1619
  • 763
  • 29

For the player to find the phi Excavation site, they would need to go to the northwest portion of the glacial basin until they reach the glacial forest. Afterwards, you would go down to the northwest until you reach a narrow path that is highlighted with lightsticks. This would now lead the below zero gamer to the place where the frozen leviathan is located.

When you get there, simply take an elevator and go up to the leviathans head and then insert the Antidote with an injection machine. This is the end of the quest.  I hope with this guide, you would be able to locate the frozen leviathan and cure it.

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