How To Use Super Potion In CoC

How to use Super Potion in CoC (Clash Of Clans)

In the course of this article, we will be looking at a practical guide on how to make use of the Super Potion in Clash of Clans. Without further ado, let us delve in.

One of the best games that most gamers like binge playing is Clash of Clans. As the fandom for the CoC game is increases, the developers so it wise to make more additions to the game. One of the additions that were made to the game was the Super Potion. However, it is important to note that many gamers do not know how to make use of the Super Potion in CoC.


How The Gamer Should Get Things Ready

The first thing a gamer needs to do is to open up the “Sauna” building in order to boost a Troop into a Super Troop for 3 days. This can be bought for 300 Gems from the Trader. Also worth noting is that it can be won as a reward in the Clan Games the moment you reach Town Hall 11.

It is important for a gamer to note that Super Potion is a magic in-game item that allows a player to troop into their Super Troop counterpart for 3 days instead of using 25,000 Dark Elixir.

The moment a gamer upgrades to TH 11, a new building known as Sauna will pop up right next to the Trader’s tent. This is where the gamer will get the Super Troops when they upgrade them in their laboratory. It is important for a gamer to note that the level that is required for the troops is level 8.

5 Steps On How To Use The Super Potion

The moment the gamer gets everything set, here is how to make use of the Clash of Clan Potion in practical steps:

  • The gamer should click on the Sauna
  • Then go ahead to click on the Troop that they wish to convert to a Super Troop with the potion.
  • After clicking on the Troop, there will be a pop-up window indicating whether you want to make use of Dark Elixir or the Super Potion.
  • After getting the two options, click on the Super Potion and use it to upgrade your Troops or Troop.
  • This procedure you will boost a normal in-game troop to a Super Troop.

It is important for the gamer to note that it is possible to boost two Troops at the same time.


The gamer with the above-elucidated steps can boost their troops in CoC to Super Troops with the Super Potion. However, they need to bear in mind that the Power Potion can only upgrade your Clash of Clan troops to the maximum level that is allowed by your laboratory.

This is why you need to upgrade your laboratory first to the maximum level that is supported by your Town Hall to get the best value.

Every CoC gamer should also know that one major disadvantage of buying a lot of Power Potion is that their sell value is just 10 Gems. Which is not equal or higher than the buy cost which is 300 Gems.

That is why it is sometimes better to stick to the Dark Elixir for boosting Super Troops. That way, a gamer gets further value.

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