D&D Game Of Thrones

D&D Game Of Thrones Explained, What The Writer Really Intended

Game of Thrones is one of the most successful series of all time. It is a series that was translated into 47 languages and also sold over 90 million copies. In the course of this article we will be looking into what D&D, the writers of Game of Thrones really intended for the series. D&D for newbies is an acronym for the names of the showrunners of the Game of Thrones. D&D means David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

What is D&D in Game of Thrones?

D&D for newbies is an acronym for the names of the showrunners of the Game of Thrones. D&D means David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Most fans of Game of Thrones thought the writer of the show did not end it well. It won’t be wrong to opine that season 6 and season 5 of the game of thrones look similar. The season appeared boring, but season 8, which was the last season was heavily criticized. For instance, in the final season 8, the active characters in the show (Arya and Jamie) became passive, while the active characters turned passive (Cersei).


Also worth noting is that smart characters such as Varys and Tyrion became dumb. And then some of the plots, like in the battlefield, where there was a military blunder- Dothraki was charging into the pitch black. It was as if the writers of the show ran out of ideas.

What Writers Of Game Of Thrones Really Intended?

What Writers Of Game Of Thrones Really Intended?
Truth is, seeing the way the last season was rushed, gives room to think that D&D got tired of the project. It is not easy for anyone to put their head on one project for 8 good years. D&D was not the original creator of the story. So that might not have fully grasped the world characters or the world they created.
The best guess is that the writers- D&D wanted to move on to another project, so they rushed the Game of Thrones project, and gave it a bad ending in the season finale. The book that the Game of Thrones show is based on is called “A Song of Ice and Fire.” The author was George R.R Martin.

What D&D Got Wrong In The Game Of Thrones Story?


Most of the fandom of the Game of Thrones holds the opinion that the quality of the show dropped after a highly publicized deal of D&D setting off to do a Star Wars Film. The biggest career fall of D&D was in the failure of Season 8 of Game of Thrones.

1. The Deaths Were Not Well Plotted

Is important to note that the first 4 deaths of Game of Thrones, provided a fitting conclusion to the character that was relevant to the story. This causes the audience to explore other characters and help advance the story.

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The mistake D&D made was to plot the death of minor characters that no one cared about. For instance, the death of Rickon was so out of place, that most fandoms had no idea who he was. In the Game of Thrones, Rickon was missing since season 3.

2. Arya Killing Of The Freys Lack Of Exploration

D&D could have made the story exciting by exploring how Arya managed to kill all the Freys. Even the political fallout was not attended to. The death of the Freys in the show needed far more exploration. However, D&D was busy trying to wrap up the whole project.


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