Technology writing

7 Ways Technology Affects Students’ Writing Performance

Writing is one of the fundamental skills that students are expected to acquire starting from elementary school. Without this skill, it’s impossible to succeed academically. Besides, it’s also considered a strong predictor of youth’s success in the future workplace and life in general. So there is no wonder why academic writing still makes up a large part of the curriculum.

Despite its importance, numerous surveys and research confirm that many students have issues with acquiring this skill. They have difficulties organizing and expressing their ideas. There are also hurdles in the use of correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. But it seems like technology can help young people overcome these challenges.


The National Commission on Writing in America’s Schools and Colleges suggests educational institutions make technology more integral to the writing process. Apparently, the use of various digital tools in the process can help students hone their skills and write better. In this article, an expert writer from a paper writing service who can also help to do my project for me will tell you how exactly technology affects students’ writing performance. Let’s dive in!

1.   Simplifying Complex Tasks

Writing isn’t easy on its own. It requires attention to detail, dedication, creativity, and the ability to stick to instructions. On top of that, there are also additional time-consuming and complex tasks that come along with essay writing. Extra requirements like sources citation or plagiarism checks make academic writing even more challenging for students, thus killing their desire to write. But technology solves this problem. Today, students have access to advanced plagiarism checkers, citation generators, and other tools that simplify complex tasks. As a result, students can focus on what really matters—writing, and excel in it.

2.   Enabling Assignment Delegation

There is no secret that life in college is very busy and stressful. Sometimes, students can’t advance their skills just because they have too much on their plates. In this case, technology also comes in handy. Thanks to technology, modern students can study honest studyfy reviews and find professional writers to delegate their assignments. Although not everyone realizes this, using such services also helps students advance their own writing. By getting professional help, they acquire well-written samples of essays, coursework, and other papers. They can analyze these samples and use them as guides for honing their own skills.

3.   Providing Assistive Technology

These days, different gadgets feature a broad list of assistive technology tools meant specifically for writing. These tools include touchscreens and keyboards, word prediction, dictation, and many other features that streamline the writing process. According to experts, such assistive technology can help realize adapted learning. With its help, even disabled students can write without a hassle. On top of that, such technology supports students who naturally struggle with writing by giving them the tools they need to acquire and develop this skill.

4.   Embracing Writing Through Mobile Technology

There is no secret that nowadays, people spend plenty of time on their smartphones. For decades, educators and parents have been worried about excessive mobile use among kids and youth. But the truth is that mobile technology also improves students’ writing. First of all, currently, there is a significant dominance of texting over voice calls. That is, young people are constantly writing something to communicate with their peers.


On top of that, the popularity of social media networks also facilitates reading and improves overall literacy in youth.

5.   Giving Access to Word Processing Tools

Nowadays, whenever a student thinks, “I need to write my essay,” they will likely hop on one of the existing word processing apps to complete the task. And this also helps improve their performance. Word processing software enables us to compose and edit text electronically with ease. According to research, such tools improve both the quality and quantity of people’s writing performance. It’s been proven that this technology and its assistive tools, like grammar checkers, planning features, and so on, motivate people to write and help them hone their skills.

6.   Providing Helpful Tools and Software

One more way technology impacts students’ writing is by supplying them with a wealth of tools and software meant for writing easier and better. This includes the best research writing services, grammar checkers, and much more. These tools help students see that writing is no longer something too challenging or time-consuming. It helps them save plenty of time and makes the entire writing process simpler. As a result, young people have more time left to foster creativity and build up their writing skills.

7.   Improving Students’ Creative Potential

Finally, technology has an effect on students’ writing performance by making them more creative. These days, young people have access to a wealth of online research materials. Whatever the assignment or topic is, technology makes students’ abilities nearly unlimited. That is, they can carry out extensive research and easily discover fresh ideas for their papers. According to experts, this fact helps students unleash their full creative potential and perform better.

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The Bottom Line

Writing has always been an integral part of the academic program and life in general. Still, many students seem to be struggling with this basic skill.

For decades, students of all levels found academic writing incredibly tedious and challenging. Luckily, technology has already changed this a lot and keeps helping students improve their writing performance. Now, you know how exactly it can make students better writers, so there are no more doubts left that technology indeed needs to become even more integral to the writing process.


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