How to Save The Game In GTA 5 With 5 Methods for Online, PS4 & XBox

How to Save The Game In GTA 5 With 5 Methods for Online, PS4 & XBox

It can be more than annoying to see the progress of your game go, mostly if you have managed to scale through some really difficult stages. However, we will be putting you through every step you need on how to save your game in GTA 5. You can equally see how to start new game in GTA 5 Without Deleting the old one.
Depending on the platform, be it online, Xbox or PS4, there are numerous methods available to save your progress. Offline and online modes also offer different options for but most players find it difficult to get this done but here is how to do it yourself.

Here is How to Save Game in GTA 5

For most gamers that do not know Grand theft auto, this question can appear to be a bit impertinent. There are some peculiarities related to being able to save a game in GTA 5. Just like most popular video games, no gamer wants to lose all the progress that they made. Imagine going as far as buying a garage in the game and then losing track of that progress.
It is painful to return to the game and still not be able to cover a grand theft mission that took you hours to complete. So, to help gamers to clear their doubt, we prepared this guide. Without further ado, let’s get into it straight away.


How to save game In GTA 5 Story Mode

Making the first contact with the game and the setting of its adventures, it is important that you know how to save their progress. In a bid to do this, there are three options that ought to be explored. These options are namely; the manual saves, the autosave, and the Quicksave.
How to save game In GTA 5 Story Mode

How to manually Save Game GTA 5 Online

One sure-fire way to ensure that your game progress is intact is to create your own save file. A lot of video games come up with the best approach for creating a game save file.
Sometimes, the player can save the game by overwriting an existing save file or by saving it in a new slot. Being able to do this helps you to managed multiple games that you want to test-run its different results and actions.

More GTA V Tips:
How to Start New Game in GTA 5 Without Deleting Old One

Use The Quick Save Option


This is how to quicksave in GTA 5 online. The second best option is to use the quick save feature of GTA 5. This is a system that gives gamers the same advantages as the manual saving technique. One edge the quick save feature has over the manual save technique is its portability.

How to save game In GTA 5

With the Quicksave functionality of GTA 5, a gamer can save the progress no matter how far they have gone.
The practical way to doing this is by accessing the character’s mobile phone and select the corresponding option. This would come alongside an icon called “online cloud services”. The manual save is used to overwrite a game that was saved previously, while the quick save is used if the game has been saved at least once.

How to Use Autosave in GTA 5

An autosave feature is an option that is present in a lot of modern video games. The autosave option can be activated by default. To use this saving option, simply pause the game, and go to the settings section. Then, look for the subsection in which game consoles are called “Saved”, then called “Saved and start” in PCs. When you get to this option, all you need to do is to check the box, and voila! You are using the Autosave functionality in GTA 5.
So whenever you finish a mission in GTA 5 and don’t want to go back on your game progress, the Autosave functionality can come to your rescue.
That’s about the methods available to save your game progress in GTA V. Pick the one that best matches your need at the moment…However, the quick and autosave seems to be the most preferred by most gamers.


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