Soft Caps For Each Stat

Elden Ring Soft Caps For Each Stat & Attribute

In the Elden Ring game, each level has a soft cap. In the process of trying to level up your Elden Ring game character, it is important to note the soft cap for each stat. This guide is important because when you reach that stat level, you can then shift your focus to other stats of your game character.

What Are Attribute Soft Caps in Elden Ring?

Attribute soft caps in Elden Ring means that there are points in Elden Ring game, where increasing a stat becomes increasingly less effective.

For example, let’s say you have a character with 100 HP. If you increase their Vigor from level 1 to 20, their HP will increase to 200. However, if you then try to increase their Vigor from 20 to 60, their HP will only increase to 250. Thie reason for this is that there’s a soft cap at level 40, which makes each level you put into Vigor after that much less effective.

There’s also another soft cap for Vigor at level 60, which makes it almost pointless to bring the stat above the highest soft cap. Even if the Elden Rings gamer completely maxes out Vigor, you will only get another 10 HP for 39 levels!

It is important to note that these in-game stats do not have any limits. Every Attribute in the game has many soft caps that, if reached, will lead to diminishing returns for additional Runes spent on getting them. In the course of subsequent paragraphs, we will be looking at Soft Caps for the Attributes in Elden Ring game.


Vigor is an Attribute in the Elden Ring game that controls the health points, immunity stats, and fire resistance of the game character.

  • Level one to 40 – HP gain will increase from four to 48
  • Second Soft Cap: Level 60 – HP of the Elden Rings character gain drops from 6 to 3.


The Mind Attribute of an Elden Ring game character is what controls the FP. FP is an in-game mechanic that is used to control incantations and sorceries.

  • Level one to 50 – FP gain of the Elden Ring character will increase from three to seven.
  • Level 50 – FP gain of the Elden Ring character alternates between five and six.
  • Level 57 – FP gain of the Elden Ring character decreases to four.
  • Level 60 – FP gain of the Elden Ring character alternates between two and three.


The Endurance Attribute of an Elden Ring game character directly affects the Robustness Stat. It is important to note that this Attribute also affects how much Stamina the game character will possess. Here are the soft caps for each stat below:

  • Level one to 50 – The stamina gain of the character alternates between one and two.
  • Soft Cap: Level 50 – Stamina gain of the character alternates between zero and one.

Also worth noting is that the Endurance Attribute does not only affect how heavy the in-game equipment of the character will be.

Here are soft caps for the stats below:

  • Level nine to 60 – Max equipment load gain of the Elden Ring character ranges from 1.0 to 1.6
  • Soft Cap: Level 60 – Max equipment load gain of the game character will alternate between 1.0 and 1.1


In regards to the Strength Attribute in Elden Rings, it increases the power of weapons that require strength to use. It also affects the Physical Defense of the Elden game character.

Here is the soft cap for the stats:

  • Soft Capped at Levels 20, 55, and 80 – the Attack power of the Elden characters differs depending on the weapon type.


Dexterity is an Attribute that can be used to boost the attack power of weapons that are dexterity-dependent. This Attribute helps to reduce the casting time of spells, makes it hard for enemies to knock your character out, and also reduces fall damage.

  • Soft Capped at Levels 20, 55, and 80 – Attack power gain of this Attribute differs from weapon to weapon.


Intelligence is an Attribute in the Elden Rings game that can be used to boost weapons that are dependent on it. The Intelligence Attribute also affects the Magic Resistance stat.

Here are the soft caps for these stats:

  • Soft Capped at Levels 20, 55, and 80 for weapons – Attack power gain of the Elden Ring character differs depending on the weapon.
  • Soft Capped at Levels 60 and 80 for Sorceries – Damage gain Elden Ring character differs depending on the Sorcery.


One of the Attributes that can be used to boost the power of some weapons in Elden Ring alongside incantations is Faith. Here are some of the soft caps of the stats of the faith Attribute:

Soft Caps at Levels 20, 55, and 80 for weapons – Attack power gain of the game character differs depending on the weapon

Soft Caps at Levels 60 and 80 for Incantations of the game character – Damage gain differs depending on the Incantation attribute.

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Arcane is an Elden Ring Attribute that can be used to boost a weapon that depends on it. With the aid of this Attribute, you can affect your Holy Defense and Vitality stats. Here are the soft caps for the stats of the Arcane Attribute:

  • Soft Capped at Levels 20, 55, and 80 for weapons – Attack power gain of the game character differs depending on the weapon
  • Soft Capped at Levels 30 and 45 – the Damage gain of this Attribute differs depending on the Sorcery.

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