If you have a bad credit record, there are some types of loans to opt for. The most popular is the unsecured personal loan. This is for individuals whose credit score is less than 669. The most important things to look out for, when looking for a loan for bad credit, are the amount that you can borrow, the interest that you will pay, and how to repay. In the course of this article, we will be looking at the top 10 loans for bad credit 2024.
1. Upgrade
The Upgrade loan is a loan service that can allow you to borrow up to $50,000 if you have a credit score that is as low as 550. With Upgrade, a loanee can also get a rate that is as low as 5.94%, if the application was approved with a co-applicant.
When you apply for an Upgrade loan, you can get approved as soon as the next day. It is important to note that a personal loan from Upgrade is available in all the states in the United States of America, except for West Virginia.
2. First Tech Federal Credit Union
This is an interesting loan provider that is available for persons with bad credit across the 50 states of the USA. When you apply for the First Tech Federal Credit Union, you will get your funding the same day. The amount of money that a person with bad credit can afford to borrow is within the range of $500 to $50,000. Also worth noting is that the repayment term is from 24 to 84 months. Coming to their rates, they offer rates that are as low as 6.7% to 18%.
They do not have a minimum credit score requirement, but they use your creditworthiness to decide if you qualify for a loan or not.
3. Avant
Avant is a lender that offers persons with bad credit an opportunity to apply for loans within the range of $2,000 to 35,000. The speed of the application and loan approval of Avant does not exceed one business day.
If you have a credit score that is as low as 580, then an Avant loan should be your best option. Their APR range is within 9.95% to 35.99%. It is important to note that a lot of lenders don’t offer these options to persons with bad credit.
4. Lending Point
This is a lender in America that only offers its loan services online. Their loan platform makes use of AI and data-driven decision-making to approve loan applications. If you have a credit score that is as low as 580, then you should have no worries about opting for the Lending Point loan.
The amount of money that is lendable with the Lending Point platform is between the range of $2,000 to $36,500.
5. Payoff
The payoff is another interesting lender that offers persons with bad credit an option to take a tangible loan. With the aid of Payoff, you can qualify for $5,000 to $40,000 if you have a credit score that is as low as 600. The APR range for their loan offer is competitively 5.99% to 24.99%.
To be able to apply for a loan, you need to be at least 18 years old and have a valid social security number. After applying for a Payoff personal loan, you will receive funding within two to five business days.
6. Lending Club
If you want to opt for a peer-to-peer loan company rather than a conventional loan provider, Lending Club should be your best pick. It is a company that facilitates lending to more than 3 million members since 2007. It is important to note that they have a prequalification option, meaning that applicants can check their rates without bringing credit scores to light.
With the Lending Club platform, it takes 2 days to receive a loan and the amount that is loanable ranges from $1,000 to $40,000.
7. PenFed
With PenFed, your loan application can be processed within 1 day. The amount that is loanable with PenFed ranges from $600 to $50,000. However, to qualify for this loan, you need a credit score that is minimally 620. The PenFed loan application is open to anyone that resides in the United States of America.
Some interesting perks of using PenFed are that it does not have an origination fee, next-day funding is available, and there are easy membership requirements. One major downside of opting for PenFed is that it does not have credit score requirements that are as low as others.
8. Upstart
Before you get a loan from Upstart approved, they will check your credit before pre-qualifying you. One major perk of Upstart is that they do not need your credit score to approve you. Did you know that with a credit score as low as 300, you can have a loan from Upstart?
As a plus, you will also get a rate that stands out from other lenders out there. Their loan offer ranges from $1,000 to $50,000.
9. Universal Credit
This is a lender in the United States of America, whose credit score requirement is 560. The maximum debt to income ratio you are allowed to have before applying for this loan is 75%. If you set up auto repayment of the loan, they offer you a 0.5% discount.
The major downside of the Universal Credit platform is that they charge an origination fee for the loan. It is important to note that their loan offer ranges from $1,000 to $50,000.
10. Best Egg
Finally on our list of Loans For Bad Credit is Best Egg. This is a lender that offers not just a loan opportunity for people with bad credit, but longer repayment terms. You can pay off your loan in 2 to 5 years. Their APR which is competitive in respect to other conventional lenders is 5.0- 36.0%. To be able to apply for a Best Egg loan, you need to have a minimum credit score of 600.