One norm about credit cards is that they charge higher interest rates than many other financial products. But do you know that there are credits that have no interest rate on them? This is a sure-fire way to reduce interest costs on the long-term debt and even help you to get an interest-free loan on a large purchase you intend to make. In the course of this article, we will be looking at top 5 best credit Cards with no interest.
1. Chase Freedom Flex
This is an interesting credit card from Chase that offers that user ability to fulfill spending needs without an inflated price tag. It is important to note that this card offers a $0 annual fee and still offers pumped-up earnings that can cover a wide range of expenses including travel, dining plus and drug stores.
Advantages of opting for the Chase Freedom Flex card that offers 0% APR
- With this no interest rate card, you are set for a $200 bonus after you reach the spending threshold of $500 in your first three months from account.
- They offer a 3% cash back on drug store purchases that you make with the credit card.
- Like we stated earlier, there are no annual fees for the Chase freedom Flex no interest credit card.
2. U.S Bank Visa Platinum Card
This credit allows users to enjoy a lengthy intro interest rate and no annual fee. But there are two conditions to this, which are a lack of a rewards program, and the balance transfer fee. Although it is important to note that the savings on interest during the introductory stages can help eclipse the fee.
Advantages of using the U.S Bank Visa no Interest Credit Card
- This credit card offer a cell phone protection average
- It has a 0% intro APR period
- And there is no penalty APR with the U.S Bank Visa Platinum card.
- A user of the U.S Bank Visa Platinum card is eligible for a $600 cell phone protection against any damage or theft.
- With this no interest credit card, you can choose any payment date that fits your schedule.
3. Discover It Chrome
If you are a moderate spender, and you are willing to activate the 5% rotating categories, then this credit card is for you. With the aid of this card, you can track your quarterly spending cap, with no annual fees.
Advantages of using the Discover It Chrome 0% Credit Card
- This card does not offer any minimum cashback redemption.
- With the Discover card, you can automatically match all the cash back you have earned at the end of your first year.
- This card secures your card by way of alerting you if your social security number is found on any of thousands of Dark Web sites.
- It can also be used to get a free credit scorecard with your FICO credit score, plus other financial inquiries that you want to make.
- The cash back amount of this no interest credit card can be redeemed any time you want.
4. Amex EveryDay Credit Card
This is a credit card that offers its users a solid APR offer. With it, you can earn a 20% bonus on all points earned, with no annual fee. Here are some advantages of using the Amex EveryDay Credit Card:
- With the Amex EveryDay Credit Card, you will earn 2X membership rewards points at US supermarkets for up to $6000 per year in expenses.
- The user is also bound to receive 10,000 membership rewards points after you spend $1,000 in purchases made with the card.
- When you use this credit card more than 20 times, you will earn 20% extra points on those purchases.
- Did you know that the Amex EveryDay Credit card offers its users payment flexibility? With the aid of this card, you will get an option to carry a balance with interest or pay full in each month.
5. Wells Fargo Reflect Card
If you are looking for a credit card that also works like a balance transfer card, then the Wells Fargo reflect card is for you. With the aid of this card, you will get a bumper introductory APR period on purchases and qualifying balance transfers. This is for credit card users that do not need a long introductory APR period.
Also worth noting is that the card has a $0 annual fee and the 0% APR lasts for 18 months from account opening on qualifying balance transfers and purchases. The user of the Wells Fargo Reflect card is also eligible for up to $600 of cell phone protection when you pay your monthly cell phone bill with your eligible Wells Fargo Card.