How to Turn a Sim Into an Alien in Sims 4 on PS4 and XBox

How to Turn a Sim Into an Alien in Sims 4 on PS4 and XBox

We will show you How to Turn a Sim Into an Alien in Sims 4. So, if you are already exploring some of the finest features in the game and perhaps want to do more, then here we are. Here we will show you how to make your sim an alien sims 4 with simple cheats that work perfectly.

While Aliens themselves do not appear, creating them would require the use of custom skins. Maxis offered an alien baby skin pack as a promotional download for The Sims: Livin’ Large, but they behave exactly like regular children. Superb features like being abducted by alien and getting pregnant makes the sims 4 is one thing that players admire.
how to make your sim an alien sims 4
The Sims 4 Get to Work even more effectively, however, the alien life state is more developed than other versions, and aliens do have special abilities of their own which quired admired by players.


This is How to Turn a Sim Into an Alien in Sims 4


Human to Alien
⇒testingcheats on
-Then Type:
⇒traits.equip_trait trait_OccultAlien
Part-Alien/Part-Human to Alien
–testingcheats on
-Then Type:
–traits.remove_trait trait_OccultAlienPart
-Then Type:
–traits.equip_trait trait_OccultAlien
Part-Alien/Part-Human to Human
–testingcheats on
-Then Type:
–traits.remove_trait trait_OccultAlienPart
-Then Type:
–Select Modify in CAS
Alien Back to Human
Disguise must be “on” the alien
–testingcheats on
-Then Type:
–traits.remove_trait trait_OccultAlien

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Here Are Some of The Aliens Abilities and Why You Need Them

  • Analyze personality – Allows aliens to discover other Sims’ traits before meeting them.
  • Empathize – Allows aliens to feel the emotion of the Sim they direct it on.
  • Disguise Self – Allows aliens to switch to a human appearance, which they can use to hide from Sims.
  • Alter Disguise – Allows aliens to change the disguise they use. It is much the same as Create a Sim, but does not allow for changing traits, names, body size, or strength.
  • Erase Mind – Appears after an alien has been found out. It allows an alien to erase a Sim’s mind after the Sim has discovered the alien. There is a chance the interaction could accidentally reset the relationship between the alien and the Sim. Appears as a mischief interaction.
  • Probe – Aliens can scare Sims with a mechanical device, which shows many objects. This prank will give Sims a “Probe Panic” moodlet, which lasts for 4 hours, while simultaneously making the Sim uncomfortable. Also appears as a mischief interaction.
  • Resurrect Dead Alien Collectable – Aliens can bring alien collectibles back to life as an interaction on a dead alien collectible.
  • Transmute Metal, Crystal, and Elements – Aliens can transmute metals, crystals, and elements that are placed in the world, changing it into another one as well as changing the Rarity.


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