How to Trade in Rocket League 2024 PS4 Even Without Buying Credits

How to Trade in Rocket League 2024 PS4 Even Without Buying Credits

Rocket league is an amazing video game that has a free-to-play game model built into it. Meanwhile, trading items in rocket league is one thing that makes it even more interesting.

Rocket league is a multiplayer and single-player game that involves gamers controlling a rocket power car. The rocket powered car in the game is made to hit a ball that is way bigger than the car. The ball has to be hit to the opponents goal area in other to score points.


how to trade in items in rocket league

The economy of the rocket league game is built round about something called credits. Credits are used to purchase items that are gamer needs in rocket league. Some of such items include; a player banner, a rocket tail, or even a blueprint that is used to unlock other interesting items in the game.

The in-game economy of rocket league was established before the Epic and Psyonix of the game kicked off. In the course of this article, we are going to elucidate how a gamer can use free credits without buying them in the rocket league game. Before we delve in, it is important to note that the rocket leagues’ credits can be used in the in-game store or for free in external trading platforms.

This is How to Trade in Rocket League 2024 PS4

For now, there is no official way to get free credits in the rocket league. But a gamer can trade his way to the in-game currency by exploiting an external marketplace. Don’t worry, all the trading that goes on in the game happens inside rocket league.

The only thing is that there are online communities that other gamers can join with others looking to trade credits in the game. Anytime a person offers you an external trade, just know that it is a scam. The best place to perform rocket league trading is the Rocket League Garage.

On the rocket league garage platform, a gamer can post requests on their website or app. There are a couple of caveats for trading in rocket league, however, you would need to have bought at least 500 credits. This restriction that was put in place by the game developers, can however be ignored if your bought rocket league before the free-to-play update.

In rocket league, gamers can only trade with fellow gamers that are logged into the same platform. It is important to know that in the game, you cannot trade credits for credits, it has to be credited for an item and only one gamer can offer credits.
The moment you find a trading partner in the trading platform, you invite the player to your party in the rocket league. Once both gamers have included their trade items and it has been confirmed, a countdown would start.

The purchase of items can be canceled while the countdown is on. But the moment the countdown is done, you would have your new items.

How to use Rocket Pass to get Free credits without Buying them in Rocket League


Other than following the normal routine of buying credits, they can be earned too. This is where the rocket pass comes into play. The rocket pass can be considered as a rocket league version of a battle pass.

The rocket league pass costs around 1000 credits and rewards gamers with cosmetic items, XP boost tokens, and credits as they go higher in ranks. A player can earn 100 free credits every 12 tiers up to tier 60. After which, they would earn 100 more credits at the 67th tier before the rocket pass tops out at tier 70.

trade in items in rocket league

What I am saying in essence is that you can rank high in the game and earn free credits. This credit reward system of Rocket league is similar to that of Fortnite.

It is important to note that the rocket pas has both the free and the premium track for getting credits. For the free track of rocket pass, a gamer can earn up to 29 rewards compared to the 70 that is given in the premium tier.

The rewards in rocket league cover all the cosmetic slots including; car bodies, motor mouth, etc. Like I stated earlier, items that are earned from rocket passes can be traded on platforms.

The premium tier of rocket pass costs 10 keys which is $9.99. you can also buy a rocket pass with keys that you own already.

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A rocket league player can always try and sell items that are earned for keys so that they can be able to fund the next rocket pass. Sometimes, tiers can be purchased outright for keys.

According to Psyonix, an estimate postulates that it takes 100 hours of play to reach every tier on the rocket pass. Although XP multipliers, daily win bonuses, and double XP weekends can help the game player to go higher in ranks much faster.

The moment a game player reaches the last rank of the Rocket pass, they would start to earn the pro Tier rewards.  If you succeed in ranking past 70, the certified item from the list of premium rocket-pass rewards.


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