Complaint with USPS

How to File a Complaint with USPS in 5 Simple Steps

The United States post office is always ready to handle complaints that are filed by customers. Some complaints filed might be related to the behavior of post office employees, late mail delivery, and a host of other delivery issues. It is important to note that the office of the Inspector General in the USPS independently takes care of reports of theft or fraud committed by USPS employees.

In the course of this article, we would be taking you through a practical guide on how to file a complaint to the USPS.

5 Practical Steps to file a Complaint with USPS

Here we will be sharing with you the five simple steps you can follow to successfully file a complaint to USPS management.

1. Gather details about the Subject of Your Complaint

If you can detail down your issues, with specific dates, locations, times, and names, there is no limit to how far the USPS customer service can go to help you.
If your complaint is related to a particular piece of mail, for instance, the tracking number would be required. If you are not with the tracking number, give them details such as the name and address of the sender of the package, alongside the date that package was mailed.
If on the other side, the complaint involves an employee of the USPS, include the first and last name in the complaint. Alongside this detail add the date, time, and the location you spoke with the USPS employee.

2. Make use of the Form on the USPS Website

There is a form that is made available by the USPS on their website, where customers can ask questions about their packages or mail, Postal Facilities, operations, and USPS employees.

To be able to use the USPS official website form, use this link.

After keying in the link url on your browser, use the tracking number that is related to the complaint you want to file. Then choose the type of USPS complaint you want to file.

It is important to note that in the complaint form, there are categories for you to use to further identify the subject of your complaint. There are specific spaces for names, dates, and locations. It is important to note that in these specific blanks, the character limit is 4000, and you can’t attach documents to the form. The moment you have made your complaint, click on the contact information page and then select whether you want to get a response by phone or email.

3. Discuss the Issue with a USPS customer service Agent

A customer service agent can help to go through your complaint and then contact you via phone or email. They would make an attempt to resolve the issue you tabled in the complaint. It is best you ask for a response via email than by phone because you can use email correspondence to keep a record of your interactions with the USPS customer service.

If however, you choose to go with phone call feedbacks, write down the date and time of the phone cal alongside the name of the customer service agent that you spoke with.

4. Talk to the Station Manager If the issue is not resolved

If the customer service agent cannot resolve the complaint, you can go on to speak to the station manager of your local post office. It is also best that you take notes of the subject of the complaint you tabled.

5. Write to the USPS consumer Advocate Office as a last resort

The United States Postal Service Consumer Advocate represents consumers and resolves postal service problems that are tabled by customers. To be able to write to them, you need to draft a formal letter that details the issue and the steps you have taken to resolve it thus far.

Go ahead to proofread your letter, print and then sign it. Then create a copy of the signed letter for record’s sake.

Then lastly, send the letter together with the related documents to the United States Postal Service, Office of the Consumer Advocate, 475  L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20260-2200.

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