Grants For Small Businesses In Arizona

6 Best Grants For Small Businesses In Arizona

If you own a small business in Arizona, it’s high time you upped your game. There are grants from the government and other funding sources that can take your Arizona small business to the next level. This article is dedicated to reviewing the best grants for Small Businesses in Arizona. Without further mouthing, let us delve in.

1. Arizona Small Business Rent And Mortgage Relief Grant Program

This is an interesting grant that was made possible by the partnership between the Arizona state government and the Local First Arizona Foundation. If you own a gym, a fitness center, nightclub, water park, studio or a series 6 and 7 bar, you are welcome to apply for this Arizona-based grant.


The maximum amount of money that is receivable with this grant is $25,000. It is important to note that this grant was designed and prioritized for small businesses in Arizona with most need of funding. They help small businesses in Arizona with rent, mortgage, and other tangible financial support.

2. Phoenix RISE Micro Business Grant

Phoenix is a city in Arizona state, where you can start a successful small business without any fuss. The city of Phoenix with the aid of the Phoenix RISE Microbusiness grant is mobilizing over $2 million of federal funds that will be equitable as grants to small businesses.

To be eligible, your small business needs to have up to 5 employees. If you are a business owner in the city of Phoenix from a low-moderate-income household, then make this grant a must-apply. The prize money for the grant is $10,000.

3. Maricopa County Small Business/Nonprofit Relief Grants

The Maricopa County Small Business grant is available for small businesses that are located in Maricopa County, Arizona, USA. If your application is successful, you will wind up with a  $25,000 grant for your small business. It is important to note that it is the Arizona Community Foundation that is responsible for the administration of the grants.

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4. Tucson We Are One | Somos Uno Resiliency Fund: Small Business Continuity Grant Program


This grant is designed to help small businesses in Arizona to keep their employees on payroll and also cover other necessary expenses. It is important to note that this grant was designed for small businesses, whose owners are minorities, veterans, disabled persons, and women.

To qualify for this grant, your business needs to be located in the city of Tucson, Arizona. If your application for this small business grant is successful, you will receive up to $10,000.

5. Choose Chandler Grants

Choose Chandler Grants is a program that is targeted at business owners in the city of Chandler, Arizona. If your small business has incurred costs from purchasing Personal Protective Equipment, you are eligible for a reimbursement grant.

Also worth noting is that to be eligible you also need to have your business registered with Chandler city’s Business Registration Program.

6. Arizona Humanities

This is a grant that is available for small businesses that are based in Arizona. To apply for a grant, you should set your eye on either a Mini-Grant or a Project Grant. To apply for a grant from Arizona Humanities, you need to make use of a platform via the link.


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